• 011-71861641, +91-9871955104
  • wcreativeschool@gmail.com

Rules & Regulations

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We appreciate your interest in considering Wisdom Creative School (WCS) for the education of your children. To ensure a harmonious and productive learning environment, we kindly request you to adhere to the following rules, regulations, terms, and conditions:

  1. Parents must regularly visit the school's website and software to stay informed about all school activities. Additionally, communication and feedback can be provided through the feedback drop box at the school reception or the SMS facility provided by the school.
  2. Any communication from parents/guardians should be addressed to the Principal. All official correspondence from the school to parents will be facilitated by the Principal.
  3. The deadline for paying tuition fees falls on the 15th of the initial month of each quarter, namely April 15th, July 15th, October 15th, and January 15th. A late fee of Rs 10 per day will be imposed for payments made after the due date.
  4. Students are advised not to bring valuable articles to school. The school shall not assume responsibility for any loss.
  5. Parents are urged to support their children's progress by emphasizing on regularity, punctuality, and discipline. Checking the Almanac daily for homework and other instructions is recommended. Please also inspect your ward's bags for any circulars, notices, or invitations issued by the school.
  6. All school property must be treated with care. Any damage incurred will be the responsibility of the students involved, and they will be required to compensate for the damage.
  7. Students are expected to join the school on the notified date at the beginning of each term.
  8. It is compulsory for students to achieve 85% attendance throughout the academic year.
  9. Re-admission can be sought with the due permission of the Principal, once the student's name is struck off from the roll.
  10. Prior to making inquiries by phone, parents are advised to consult the school calendar, date sheets, and other circulars on website and WCS app.
  11. To ensure that the school has accurate mobile numbers and addresses, notify the school promptly of any changes so that important messages, such as attendance and marks, can be duly communicated through WhatsApp.
  12. Sick children should not be sent to attend tests or classes.
  13. Parents are requested not to enter classrooms during school hours without prior permission from the Principal.
  14. Students habitually engaging in misconduct, despite repeated warnings and efforts by the staff, may be expelled from the school. The decision will be made by a Disciplinary Committee appointed by the Principal.
  15. Provide a written intimation to the class teacher in the case of any absence from school, and obtain permission for short leaves in case of emergencies.
  16. Students are required to bring plastic water bottles to school, which can be refilled during short breaks. Steal bottles are prohibited, for student safety & wellbeing.
  17. Prohibited activities include organizing unauthorised parties, engaging in rowdiness, rude behaviour, bursting crackers, and damaging the school's garden, lawn, flowers, or plants.
  18. Foul language and misbehaviour can result in expulsion from the school.
  19. Mobile phones are not allowed in school. If a student is found with a mobile phone, school will issue a notice to the parents and repetition of this offense may lead to expulsion.
  20. The attendance record of students is available to parents through WCS app. Parents are urged to avoid absenteeism for their wards.
  21. All students are expected to attend examinations, and absences will only be excused in the case of a severe medical emergency.
  22. Your cooperation in adhering to these rules is crucial in fostering a positive and conducive learning environment at WCS. We appreciate your partnership in shaping the educational journey of your children.